Can’t say I am big fan of literature that you find on certain forums such as reddit, but every now and then I find something that really catches my attention. This is definitely the case with The patient that nearly drove me out of medicine.
The first thing that struck me about the story is that it makes very good use of meta – especially when dealing with the writer and main character. As you go along it becomes more obvious and it covers other areas as well – it is very rare that you find such techniques in amateur authors but, alas, you can find it here.
The language is rather simple although it uses a decent vocabulary and tries not to repeat itself – the story is gripping and you can find yourself drawn by the plot – even if at some point it is rather predictable.
The story itself is a bit disappointing, mostly at the end – such a nice constructed plot deserved a better ending – one that might have begged the author to know more, an open ending perhaps.
All in all the story is gripping and enjoyable – some parts are rather outlandish and it hurts the overall feel of the story, but overall it is just a fun short read.
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