Cringeworthy! There is no other way of putting it, the movie is a slaughter of the book – nothing has been left untouched – the true chronology of events, the reactions, the relationships. For a person that has read the book before this looks like a joke.
If I were to remove the fact that I read the book before I saw the movie I would still have the same reaction. The story is very weak, the actors are worse. Everything seems fake – there is not an ounce of originality in the entire movie. it is a poorly written script with an even more poorly execution. There is no feel whatsoever, the cinematography is absent also. From all directions this seems one those failures that are always released for some reason.
If I were to add a third view, that this is about a true story that contains a breakthrough in diagnosing and treating a disease , it would still be an extremely crappy movie. Nothing in it brings alive the true anguish of suffering. The fear of unknown is butchered, portraying only an angry father that gives ultimatum to doctors – this is the length to which an incredible memoir was reduced too.
Thinking that the story is so very well written and researched, with the goal of both therapy to the author and as a lesson for people that might suffer from the same thing, it seems unthinkable that someone approved this movie – I cannot even begin to conceive what the author and the rest of the people involved thought of this.